The Sports Think Tank offers an independent forum to explore and debate the key issues in the sport, physical activity and recreation sector. We can help you get a unique perspective on the areas of interest you have including that of academics, consumers and policy makers.
We offer a range of products including:
- Delivering Sponsored Roundtables to explore and debate key sector issues with a range of stakeholders including those from:
- Sports Sector
- Academics or Experts
- Policy Makers – Central and Local
- Sponsors/Right Holders
- Broadcasters Media/Press
- Third Party Organisations/Interested Players
- Publishing 'Point of View' pamphlets on a range of single issues.
- Researching and drafting commissioned Reports on key issues within the sector.
- Creating Networking Events with key players in the sports sector and decision makers.
- Our Annual Dennis Howell Lecture & networking
- Breakfast and Lunch Network events and Topical 'debates'
- Our Blog series
- Sports Innovation Hub - for you to showcase your work
Please connect with us @sport_thinktank or email Mark Balcar on for more information.