Active Environments

Welcome to our partnership with David Morley Architects.

One of the key proven investments we need to make to increase levels of physical activity is improving our 'environment' to encourage and allow greater levels of movement. It is one of the key foundations of the new Sport England strategy.

We are delighted to be working with the team at David Morley Architects to create discussion around this important topic. This is a collaboration that needs all of us to join the conversation! We look forward to hearing from you.

Andy Reed

Director - Sports Think Tank

Tags: Sport


We would love to share resources and case studies in this valuable policy area.

Sport England have already done some important work in this area

Modern-day life can make us inactive, and about a third of adults in England don't do the recommended amount of weekly exercise, but the design of where we live and work can play a vital role in keeping us active.

We know sport isn't for everyone, but embracing a lifestyle change to be more active can have real benefits including:

Improving physical health
Increasing mental wellbeing
Building stronger communities.
As part of our drive to create an active environment, Active Design wraps together the planning and considerations that should be made when designing the places and spaces we live in. It's about designing and adapting where we live to encourage activity in our everyday lives, making the active choice the easy choice.

Watch our film below and see how you can encourage people to choose the active option by building an infrastructure that creates opportunities for all types of physical activity.