The Leadership Skills Foundation

Posted: Tue, 01 Aug 2023 13:52

The Leadership Skills Foundation

The Leadership Skills Foundation is a prominent awarding organisation dedicated to the development of leadership skills in young people. We bring these essential skills to life through practically applied qualifications and accredited awards across the curriculum and beyond, empowering learners with the confidence to believe, the qualities to lead and the skills to succeed.

Richard Norman their CEO said

"Excited to be sharing the evolution of our identity from SLQ Sports Leaders to the Leadership Skills Foundation launching from today.

In the past 40+ years, over 2,500,000 young people have completed a sports leadership programme...we want to build on this heritage and provide more young people with opportunities to build the confidence to believe, the qualities to lead, and the skills to succeed.

We want everyone to be empowered to shape their future and lead their communities by developing essential leadership skills.

Get in contact if you want to work with us to achieve this.

Website will launch later today. Sign up to keep up to date:

Learn more about us

Tags: Physical Activity, Sport