Sport absent from Conference Season

Posted: Wed, 05 Oct 2016 10:25

Sport absent from Conference Season

We have been attending the Party Political conferences this autumn and have been struck by the lack of debate and profile for sport despite the glorious summer of Olympic and Paralympic success.

In a way we should no longer be surprised. Over recent years the sports public affairs teams have been slowly withdrawing from the conference arena so it becomes a self fulfilling outcome. At the Sports Think Tank we realise that policy is very rarely decided at conferences any more but outside the conference hall and in the fringes it is possible to pick up a mood, a direction of travel and for Ministers and MPs to be less guarded than normal. That's why we still go and pick up soft intelligence and make the case for Sport and physical activity whenever the moment arises! It is not always at a sport specific fringe or reception. This year we were represented at debates on the Sugar Levy, Charities and Apprenticeships for example.

It is not surprising that compared to BREXIT, immigration and the economy for example that sport is not centre stage, but considering the contribution to the economy, the cost to the NHS of an inactive nation then we think we can offer some solutions.

At the Sports Think Tank we are prepared to stick to the party conferences to make the case in all arenas for a comprehensive Sport and physical activity agenda. We will continue to plough what has become a lonely furrow on behalf of the sector. If you are interested in helping us help you next year please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

Tags: Conservative, Labour, Party Conferences, Politics