New Beginnings
Posted: Thu, 21 May 2020 10:36
All recent surveys and opinion polling shows significant shifts in physical activity levels. Most are obvious as large parts of the 'sector' are physically closed.
Whilst most people are understandably in survival mode it is surely more important for us to work more collaboratively as we emerge from #Lockdown than ever before.
We have started a series at The Sports Think Tank looking at the long term impact of Coronavirus and how things will look different.
We are starting to find increasing data about potential changes in habits but would love more examples.
If my own example is anything to go by my habits are being forced to change and at the moment I can see these being embedded in 2021.
My rugby is not going to take place in any meaningful way for some time. But I will return - eventually.
My leisure provider/ gym has not engaged me at all and I now feel able to finally give this up and buy a bike with the fees saved in year one!. Therefore, on the Sankey graph below I am retained as Active but have shifted where I do this activity in a whole system approach!
Now the collaboration of the sector is more important than ever. From a policy perspective we want people active irrespective of where they do it. Our task is to keep people inside this Sankey Graph and not allow them to drift to inactive.
Is the entire sector ready for such a wide and deep collaboration?