Cricket isn't alone...
Posted: Tue, 27 Jun 2023 09:30
I'm afraid the report into cricket and the ECB whilst very damning is of little surprise to many who follow sport policy.
This excellent article from Jonathan Liew highlights just how deep rooted this problem is in sport (other sports too) and society.
There are many friends and colleagues across the sector who understand this - but too many who do not. Let's be honest and frank about this. Warm words and corporate speak are no longer good enough. Read the lived experiences of those participants in th evidence.
That's why I have really enjoyed my time working with Arun Kang OBE, MA, FRSA and Sporting Equals over the years to take on these issues, even when people wer't listening. This is why at The Sports Think Tank we are not always cheerleaders for the sector - because it is far from perfect.
Let's not take any reassurances at face value - action and change need to happen and fast. Time for leaders to step up.