A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
About This Report:
This document highlights 10 themes on which individuals and organisations are being invited to submit evidence over a 9-week period to help shape this new direction for sports policy
Related Reports:
This consultation highlights ten themes that together capture the headline issues that DCMS want to address.
Uniting the Movement is our 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
As we adapt and rebuild from the huge disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we need to collectively reimagine how we keep movement, sport and activity central to the lives of everyone....
100 ideas for the 2024 election from 29 sport, physical activity and Wellbeing organisations.
Sport has the power to transform lives. Of course, it keeps us fit. But so much more. For the young people of this nation, sport unlocks life-long friends, introduces mentors, provides purpose, builds confidence – and keeps us out of trouble.1 It boosts academic prospects, combats mental ill health,...
Active Partnerships National Organisation Strategy 2023-2027.
Tue, 20 Jun 2023
The Active Partnerships National Organisation is the national charity of the Active Partnerships Network – a collective of 43 locally-led, nonprofit, strategic organisations who, as valued system partners of Sport England with reach across every place in England, play a pivotal role in 'Uniting...
This project is a further exploration into how to support places to work in a whole system way and sits alongside the work of the Local Delivery Pilots
Uniting the Movement is our 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
As we adapt and rebuild from the huge disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we need to collectively reimagine how we keep movement, sport and activity central to the lives of everyone....
Report form the CSJ calling on the government to radically increase the provision of school sport and PE
Sport 2030 provides a roadmap for future success for sport in this country.
Sport Australia will lead its implementation, to create an even better and more successful national sports sector. If we get it right we know that in 2030 sport will continue to be a key point of national pride, our Olympic and...