A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.

About This Report:

An analysis of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries and Risk Factors Study found physical inactivity and low physical activity to be among the ten most important risk factors in England. 1 It is estimated that physical inactivity contributes to almost one in ten premature deaths (based on life expectancy estimates for world regions) from coronary heart disease and one in six deaths from any cause. 2 Health Survey for England data shows no overall change between 2008 and 2012 in the percentage of adults reaching recommended levels of physical activity (although the introduction of new recommendations in 20113 mean that there is limited long-term trend data for individuals achieving physical activity targets). Some regional variation in physical activity levels are still apparent in the country with the highest percentages of men and women achieving the recommended levels of physical activity found in the South East and the lowest levels found in the North. 4 Similarly, the highest levels of physical inactivity are found in the North West for men (26%) and women (31%). Inequalities in physical activity are also evident across characteristics within the Equality Act 2010, including disabled people being half as likely to be active as the general population. 5