A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.

About This Report:

This report outlines the current state of PE, school sport and physical activity in England and the issues and challenges facing young people today.

There is a wealth of research and insight which informs our understanding of the importance of activity in children's lives and their engagement in PE and sport, with more being published every year. However, we need to do more to bring this evidence to public attention as a matter of urgency. The aim of this annual report is to build a true "state of the nation" picture for those working in this space, but also for parents and carers, policy makers and other public influencers who can become changemakers for sport and play.

In our new 2022 to 2035 strategy, 'Inspiring Changemakers, Building Belonging', we go into more detail about the challenges we're facing and how we plan to tackle them. We are committed to producing an annual state of the nation report which will track awareness and attitudes to physical activity, play and school sport over the next ten years.