A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
Displaying 41 to 80 of 289
Shaping the COVID decade: addressing the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19
Sun, 28 Mar 2021
British Academy
In September 2020, the British Academy was asked by the Government Office for Science to produce an independent review to address the question: What are the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19? This short but substantial question led us to a rapid integration of evidence and an extensive consultation...
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Teenage Girls' Lives and Physical Activity
A vision for population health
Towards a healthier future
Exploring how COVID-19 affected Sported's community sports groups from March 2020 until February 2021
This project is a further exploration into how to support places to work in a whole system way and sits alongside the work of the Local Delivery Pilots
This guidance can be used by local level practitioners and commissioners to begin tackling inequalities in physical activity across and within protected characteristic groups. It presents the findings of a review, analysis and research aimed at understanding the enablers, barriers and opportunities for...
In 2016, we invited communities from all over England to test a new way of working with us by becoming one of 12 'local delivery pilots'.
Thsi report highlights the story so far
Uniting the Movement is our 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
As we adapt and rebuild from the huge disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we need to collectively reimagine how we keep movement, sport and activity central to the lives of everyone....
Uniting the Movement is our 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
As we adapt and rebuild from the huge disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we need to collectively reimagine how we keep movement, sport and activity central to the lives of everyone....
The subject of this Review is the health of people of working age, individuals whose health has consequences often far beyond themselves – touching their families and children, workplaces and wider communities. The economic costs of ill-health and its impact on work are measurable and set out for...
The latest Active Lives figures released in January 2021
This report highlights the central and varied role that Rugby League clubs and charitable foundations play at the heart of their communities in providing vital social hubs and outreach activities which extend far beyond the provision of regular sporting opportunities for children, young people, women...
Evidence leads to the conclusion that these 8 investments are the most effective for increasing the levels of Physical Activity
Using economic development to improve health and reduce health inequalities
Fri, 08 Jan 2021
Health Foundation
This report sets out how economic development can be used to improve people's health
and reduce health inequalities in the UK. Its lessons are timely and relevant, with the
coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic showing us that people's health and the economy
cannot be viewed independently. Both are necessary...
Sport and the SDGs from the UN.
The United Nations have long recognized, advocated for and supported the important contributions of sport to development and peace, with a significant record of General Assembly and Human Rights Council resolutions, UN treaties, Secretary-General's reports and other guiding...
England is faltering. From the beginning of the 20th century, England experienced continuous improvements in life expectancy but from 2011 these improvements slowed dramatically, almost grinding to a halt. For part of the decade 2010-2020 life expectancy...
The Power of Sport: Guidance on strengthening cohesion and integration through sport
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
The Power of Sport: Guidance on strengthening cohesion and integration through sport
Sport for Development and Peace and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Commonwealth Secretariat
Sport for Development and Peace and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda outlines a new plan for global development with the ambition to 'transform our world by 2030'.1 Central...
Road to Evidence. A systematic and comparative analysis
Laureus Sport for Good and the Commonwealth Secretariat are both committed stakeholders in the Sport for Development (SfD) field, which uses sports-based programming to tackle key social issues. • If practitioners, researchers, and policy makers...
Regular physical activity is proven to help prevent and treat noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and breast and colon cancer. It also helps to prevent hypertension, overweight and obesity and can improve mental health, quality of life and well-being.
CIMSPA 2020 workforce insight report: Understanding the size and impact of the UK Sport and Physical Activity Workforce
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Details of the 600,000 people who work across the Sport and Physical Activity Sector
CIMSPA 2020 workforce insight report: Understanding the size and impact of the UK Sport and Physical Activity Workforce
Report form the CSJ calling on the government to radically increase the provision of school sport and PE
An independent assessment of the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in fitness clubs and leisure facilities across Europe:
Thu, 17 Dec 2020
An independent assessment of the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in fitness clubs and leisure facilities across Europe:
We are very pleased to present the findings of this independent evaluation of COVID-19 transmission risk in European fitness clubs and leisure facilities initiated by EuropeActive and...
The output provides a privileged insight into what brands, sporting bodies, rights holders, government departments, membership associations, athletes, media organisations and digital platforms all think about women's sport – and connects those insights to form a coherent picture. It is not meant...
New research shows that UK public sector health and fitness is on track for recovery, but operators face shifts in their member profile
This study, the third in the Destitution in the UK series, reveals that even before the COVID-19 outbreak destitution was rapidly growing in scale and intensity. Since 2017 many more households, including families with children, have been pushed to the brink.
The UK should be a country where everyone...
How Sport NZ will fulfill its leadership role is outlined in this 12-year strategic direction. This includes where we will operate, our long-term goals and five leadership priorities. How we work towards those long-term goals will be outlined in three four-year Strategic Plans, the first of which covers...
The impact of COVID-19 on disabled people
Summary of secondary research Updated October 2020
Exploring the role of Sport for Development in the prevention and desistance from crime
Wed, 02 Dec 2020
National Alliance of Sport
The National Alliance of Sport for the Desistance of Crime was launched in October 2015. Its purpose is to advocate for its members and provide support and guidance to the wide range of stakeholders using the power of sport for the prevention and the desistance from crime. As Chair, it has been a privilege...
Changing behaviour is crucial in helping inactive people become active, which is why it's been at the heart of all our Get Healthy Get Active projects
The Sport for Development sector is broad; not only in the organisations working within it, but in the potential changes it can bring about for young people, communities and society. This document aims to empower providers and funders of Sport for Development programmes to define a collective and sector-led...
Leisure under lockdown: how culture and leisure services responded to COVID-19 - full report
Fri, 27 Nov 2020
During the first lockdown people sang and danced in the streets, they covered communities with rainbows, embraced open spaces and rallied round to support the most vulnerable in society. We witnessed the very best of humanity and people used culture, sport and leisure to connect and take care of each...
Why investing in physical activity is great for our health – and our nation
Wed, 23 Sep 2020
Sport England
Sport England commissioned the Sport Industry Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University to calculate the social impact and the economic importance of sport and physical activity in England.
Every £1 spent on community sport and physical activity generates nearly £4 for the English economy...
Impact of Covid-19 on the Sport for Development Sector
Fri, 17 Jul 2020
Sport for Development Coalition
The Sport for Development Coalition (SFDC) has warned that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector is having "a profound effect" on some of the "most vulnerable members of our society".
The SFDC, a growing Movement of more than 100 charities, networks and governing bodies who believe in the...
Youth Sport Trust is a children's charity that works to ensure that every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport. We do this by harnessing the power of sport, physical activity and PE to increase young people's life chances through improved wellbeing, healthier lifestyles...
It is understood that those in lower income households have acutely felt the impact of the
pandemic and lockdown both economically and in terms of mental and physical wellbeing.
During April and May 2020, some 270 community organization that are based in the
most deprived areas of England and Wales, and...
For over nine
months now,
Sport England
has been
our current
strategy and
how it might
need updating and adapting for
the decade ahead. We have been
talking with a wide community
of people who care about
physical activity and sport.
We have gathered thousands
of perspectives on what really
matters about...
This report presents data from the Active Lives Adult Survey for the period mid-November 2018 to mid-November 2019. Data is presented for adults aged 16+ in England.
Health Position Paper by AfPE
Physical education, school sport and physical activity are similar in that they all include physical movement, but there are important differences between them, as outlined in the following descriptions.
This report has been produced by the Institute of Health Equity and commissioned by the Health Foundation to mark 10 years on from the landmark study Fair Society, Healthy Lives (The Marmot Review).
The report highlights that:
- people can expect to spend more of their lives in poor health
- improvements to...