A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
Displaying 121 to 160 of 289
Health And Wealth: Inclusive Growth Opportunity For Mayoral Combined Authorities
Tue, 20 Mar 2018
Public Health England
This report seeks to achieve a deeper understanding of the interlinkages between health and wealth and the opportunities that devolution presents to focus on prevention and early intervention across the life course.
This report has been produced by the Institute of Health Equity and commissioned by the Health Foundation to mark 10 years on from the landmark study Fair Society, Healthy Lives (The Marmot Review).
The report highlights that:
- people can expect to spend more of their lives in poor health
- improvements to...
England is faltering. From the beginning of the 20th century, England experienced continuous improvements in life expectancy but from 2011 these improvements slowed dramatically, almost grinding to a halt. For part of the decade 2010-2020 life expectancy...
Health Position Paper by AfPE
Physical education, school sport and physical activity are similar in that they all include physical movement, but there are important differences between them, as outlined in the following descriptions.
The Health Survey for England (HSE) is part of a programme of surveys commissioned by the Health and Social Care Information Centre. Children aged 13-15 were interviewed themselves, and parents of children aged 0-12 were asked about their children, with the interview including questions on general health...
For these reasons, I believe an incoming Labour government should put health and wellbeing at the front and centre of its promise to the people of Britain. More specifically, we should guarantee that everything we do in government will both be fully costed and meet three essential tests, to: • Deliver...
This report sets out an exciting new vision for how child health information can support both parents and professionals in providing the highest quality care for children and young people.
The case for action on healthy life expectancy.
Health inequalities are entrenched in this country and life expectancy has been getting worse in the poorest areas. This was brutally exposed during the covid pandemic when people under 65 in the poorest parts of the country were four times more likely to...
New research from academics in the UK suggests that the old adage of 'first impressions count' is very much alive and kicking in sport. This article provides a summary of this research and concludes with a few ideas for how coaches can apply the research.
This paper describes levels of physical activity (PA), sedentary time and adherence to Chief Medical Officers PA guidelines among primary school-aged children across the UK using objective accelerometer-based measurements.
Identifying What Works For Local Physical Inactivity Interventions
Tue, 25 Nov 2014
Public Health England
This report explores the All Parliamentary Commission's concerns on the measurement and evaluation of interventions and tests their hypotheses.
Youth Sport Trust is a children's charity that works to ensure that every child enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport. We do this by harnessing the power of sport, physical activity and PE to increase young people's life chances through improved wellbeing, healthier lifestyles...
Impact of Covid-19 on the Sport for Development Sector
Fri, 17 Jul 2020
Sport for Development Coalition
The Sport for Development Coalition (SFDC) has warned that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector is having "a profound effect" on some of the "most vulnerable members of our society".
The SFDC, a growing Movement of more than 100 charities, networks and governing bodies who believe in the...
Implementing Community Sport Policy: Understanding The Variety Of Voluntary Club Types And Their Attitudes To Policy
Wed, 31 Oct 2012
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics
This article will evaluate the role of sports clubs in delivering national community sport policy, particularly in relation to increasing participation in sport and reducing the proportion of young people dropping out of sport.
Independent Review Into The Climate And Culture Of The World Class Programme In British Cycling
Sat, 09 Sep 2017
UK Sport
The findings and recommendations of the Independent Review into the Climate and Culture of the World Class Programme (WCP) at British Cycling.
Insight Into Action: The Lessons From The Doorstep Sport Club Programme 2013-17
Mon, 18 Sep 2017
Street Games
The Doorstep Sport Club (DSC) Programme investigated the issue of inactivity in deprived and underfunded areas across the United Kingdom, offering immediate and long-term solutions.
Two years on from the London Olympics, this document reports on the current status of the ongoing legacy from the event. It contains detailed accounts from five key areas of legacy: sport and healthy living; the regeneration of East London; economic growth; bringing communities together and the legacy...
Inspiring Sport Participation: The Demonstration Effect
Sat, 16 Jul 2011
Canterbury Christ Church University
The Department of Health commissioned SPEAR to conduct a worldwide evidence review on sport participation legacies because it wanted to know if it would be worth investing government resources in initiatives designed to use the Olympic and Paralympic Games to increase sport participation to improve people's...
Coinciding with Women in Sport's (formerly WSFF) first conference with various members of the sport's sector, this report marks one year since the boards inception and reviews the progress.
This paper discusses the advancement of Sport for Development and Peace from the post-World War II period to the present, demonstrating growing international momentum in support of sport's development potential.
Investing In Cycling And Walking: The Economic Case for Action
Sat, 14 Mar 2015
Department for Transport
This paper aims to summarise recent changes in the evidence base as well as the key legacy studies that should help not only to quantify the impacts resulting from investment in cycling and walking, but also to make the case for investing in cycling and walking above other demands on budgets.
Road to Evidence. A systematic and comparative analysis
Laureus Sport for Good and the Commonwealth Secretariat are both committed stakeholders in the Sport for Development (SfD) field, which uses sports-based programming to tackle key social issues. • If practitioners, researchers, and policy makers...
The business case for good governance in sport and the case for Scottish Football Association on how to enable modernisation of governance standards.
This report examines the holding of the Special Olympics Great Britain (SOGB) National Summer Games for people with learning disabilities in Leicester in July 2009.
Legacy 2012: Understanding The Impact Of The Olympic Games
Sat, 25 Aug 2012
The Economist Intelligence Unit
This report examines the business and economic impact of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
This briefing provides details of the performance information available from APSE's performance networks service looking at performance indicators and current policy issues for councils who deliver sports and manage leisure facilities.
Leisure under lockdown: how culture and leisure services responded to COVID-19 - full report
Fri, 27 Nov 2020
During the first lockdown people sang and danced in the streets, they covered communities with rainbows, embraced open spaces and rallied round to support the most vulnerable in society. We witnessed the very best of humanity and people used culture, sport and leisure to connect and take care of each...
Levelling up is not about making every part of the UK the same, or pitting one part of the country against another. Nor does it mean dampening down the success of more prosperous areas. Indeed, by extending opportunity across the UK we can relieve pressures on public services, housing and green felds...
Levels Of BME Coaches In Football: First Annual Follow-Up Report (2015)
Thu, 22 Oct 2015
Loughborough University
A report prepared by Dr Steven Bradbury (Loughborough University) on behalf of the Sports People's Think Tank.
The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Teenage Girls' Lives and Physical Activity
This report begins to assess: (a) The impact of the 'cuts' for Sport and Recreation Services (SRS), (b) Responses to the 'cuts' and (c) The options for SRS moving forward.
The English Federation of Disability Sport champions disabled people's right to participate in physical activity and sport. This Charter for Change sets out what disabled people say they need to make this possible.
Making London the Heart of the Sport Tech World is the strategic plan of action for technology in London. Building on the Blueprint for a Physically Active City it highlights the exciting role that technology innovation can play in helping to create positive change to Londoners' lives through sport....
An extensive but non-systematic review of scientific and "gray" literature was conducted to explore a wide range of literature to understand the co-benefits of activity-friendly environments on physical health, mental health, social benefits, safety/injury prevention, environmental sustainability, and...
This document provides an overview of the best available evidence on health and wellbeing outcomes that are directly affected by physical activity.
Marketing, Technology, And Medicine: Recommendations On How To Incorporate Psychological Principles Into New Technologies To Promote Healthy Behaviours
Wed, 03 Sep 2014
Journal of Consumer Health On the Internet
This report aims to 1) describe how technology has traditionally reduced motivation to engage in health behaviours, 2) discuss key elements that may make sedentary technology (in this case, television) engaging, and 3) provide examples of how these same elements can be incorporated into new technologies...
The shadow culture secretary Harriet Harman and the shadow sports minister Clive Efford released this public consultation to help gather thoughts from consumers of sport in the months leading up to the General Election in 2013. The report asks 23 separate questions ranging from encouraging participation...
More Than A Game: Harnessing The Power Of Sport To Transform The Lives Of Disadvantaged Young People
Mon, 09 May 2011
Sport Working Group
This report set out to establish how sport can produce the best results for young people living in Britain's most deprived areas. Produced prior to London 2012, the research highlights the distinction between sport for its own sake and sport as a vehicle for improving the lives of disadvantaged or vulnerable...
This report says innovative solutions for keeping older people active and independent could save billions of pounds in NHS and social care costs by preventing disease.
This project is a further exploration into how to support places to work in a whole system way and sits alongside the work of the Local Delivery Pilots