A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
Displaying 201 to 240 of 289
Shaping the COVID decade: addressing the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19
Sun, 28 Mar 2021
British Academy
In September 2020, the British Academy was asked by the Government Office for Science to produce an independent review to address the question: What are the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19? This short but substantial question led us to a rapid integration of evidence and an extensive consultation...
Social Return On Investment In Sport: A Participation Wide Model For England
Thu, 21 Apr 2016
Sheffield Hallam University
This research paper attempts to value the social impacts of participation in sport in England, using the SROI framework.
In April 2017, British Cycling and UK Sport agreed to carry out an audit based upon allegations outside of the scope of the Cycling Independent Review. To this end, UK Sport commissioned a special review of British Cycling to consider these allegations.
Sport for All? Why Ethnicity and Culture Matters in Sport and Physical Activity
Sat, 01 Feb 2020
Sport England
Welcome to Sport for All? Why ethnicity and culture matters in sport and physical activity. This report looks at the sport and physical activity participation of children and adults from Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) backgrounds in England. By combining two years of data from the Active Lives...
The Sport and Sports Betting Integrity Action Plan was published in September 2015. It outlines Britain's approach to addressing risks to the integrity of sport and sports betting.
Our internal Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan clearly sets out our ambition to tackle inequality within our organisation.
The Plan, which we published in July 2021, represents our objectives for ensuring equality, diversity, and inclusion for the next four years and recognises the principles around...
The new strategy aims to address the fundamental challenges facing sport, and particularly community sport, in England. As such it features a significant shift in focus and direction.
Sport England: Understanding Variations In Participation Between Sports
Thu, 26 Aug 2010
Sport England
Sport England has commissioned a series of robust quantitative models aimed at better understanding the factors which account for variations in sports participation, and thereby identify the levers most amenable to public policy intervention.
Sport For All And Major Sporting Events: Trends In Sport Participation And The Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, The 2003 Rugby World Cup And The Melbourne 2006 Commonwealth Games
Thu, 26 Feb 2009
University of Technology Sydney
This paper summarises trends in sport participation in the community in relation to the Sydney 2000 Olympic Games, the 2003 Rugby World Cup and the 2006 Commonwealth Games.
An American document by The Aspen Institute where they envision an America in which all children have the opportunity to be active through sports.
The Sport for Development sector is broad; not only in the organisations working within it, but in the potential changes it can bring about for young people, communities and society. This document aims to empower providers and funders of Sport for Development programmes to define a collective and sector-led...
Sport for Development and Peace and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Commonwealth Secretariat
Sport for Development and Peace and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda outlines a new plan for global development with the ambition to 'transform our world by 2030'.1 Central...
This paper argues that the Government must develop a comprehensive national strategy to make sport a vehicle for social good and use it to help improve people's lives and communities.
This article provides insights on the impacts of austerity policy through an examination of the experiences of two different countries and sport organisations.
Fri, 10 Mar 2023
Women in Sport
Women in Sport knows that sport gives girls and women resilience, courage and self-belief. We also know that gender stereotypes hold girls and women back from sport, and in life. In this study we explored where gender stereotyping begins so we can challenge and inspire to create lasting change for women...
The Community Pulse is a longitudinal study of Sported members on the sustainability, needs, and ambitions of grassroot groups throughout the UK. It ensures the voices of small community organisations are heard
This new strategy for sport and physical activity moves beyond merely looking at how many people take part. It will consider what people get out of participating and what more can be done to make a physically active life truly transformative.
This report sets out the steps that have been taken towards making sure absolutely everyone can benefit from the power of sport.
This report sets out the steps that have been taken towards making sure absolutely everyone can benefit from the power of sport.
Sports Ground Safety Authority Annual Reports And Accounts 2014/2015
Wed, 01 Jul 2015
Sports Grounds Safety Authority
The Annual Report of the Sports Grounds Safety Authority (SGSA) for 2014/15.
Sported sought to find a sector-wide method of demonstrating the relationship between sport and social benefits. At the outset the organisation wanted to understand the impact of the Sport for Development sector and the cost saving being made to society. The outcome is a sophisticated IT system which...
The research makes clear that sport by itself is insufficient to make beneficial change to development and peace, but that a well-co-ordinated multi-sectoral approach is necessary. The research tells us that both policy and programme planning, no matter how well intentioned or generous, must begin with...
Exploring how COVID-19 affected Sported's community sports groups from March 2020 until February 2021
Swim Group Review Of Curriculum Swimming And Water Safety Lessons
Mon, 11 Sep 2017
Developed by a range of experts from across the education, sport and leisure sectors, this report explores the challenges that primary schools face in delivering high quality swimming and water safety lessons. It also makes a series of recommendations on how to improve the situation.
Tackling Physical Inactivity - A Coordinated Approach
Thu, 10 Apr 2014
All Party Parliamentary Commission
This is the first of two reports from the All-Party Parliamentary Commission on Physical Activity, which was set up in 2013. It sets out the scale and scope of the problem, mapping out the specific areas in which need to be worked on for change.
This report presents the latest headline child estimates for the year up to and including March 2013.
The latest Taking Part survey in England, looking at participation in the cultural and sporting sectors, showed that 57% of 11-15 year olds said the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games had encouraged them to take part in sport.
The Laureus Sport For Good Foundation assesses the economic value of three sports projects aimed at tackling gang violence and youth crime in the UK. Each project is using sport to reach out to and engage young people at different stages along the criminal pathway.
The output provides a privileged insight into what brands, sporting bodies, rights holders, government departments, membership associations, athletes, media organisations and digital platforms all think about women's sport – and connects those insights to form a coherent picture. It is not meant...
The Coaching Plan for England represents a 'call to action' for everyone in the coaching community in England to modernise how we think about coaching and how we talk about coaching.
- A growing proportion of clubs are in severe financial difficulty, operating with low reserves following COVID-19 – this is currently the case for a quarter of clubs and is expected to rise to a third in the coming year
This report by EY assesses and predicts the wider economic implications to hosting the Rugby World Cup in England and Cardiff this year.
This summary report by EY presents the estimated economic contribution of the Premier League in the 2013/14 season.
The Economic Importance Of Olympic And Paralympic Sport
Thu, 09 Nov 2017
Sheffield Hallam University
A 'Satellite Account' for Olympic and Paralympic sports, quantifying their economic importance to the UK economy.
The Economic Importance of Olympic and Paralympic Sports, an update (2017)
Tue, 18 May 2021
Sheffield Hallam University
UK Sport commissioned the Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) at Sheffield Hallam University to produce a 'Sport Satellite Account' (SSA) for Olympic and Paralympic sports, in order to quantify their economic importance to the UK economy, for the year 2017. This is the second report, on Olympic and...
It is understood that those in lower income households have acutely felt the impact of the
pandemic and lockdown both economically and in terms of mental and physical wellbeing.
During April and May 2020, some 270 community organization that are based in the
most deprived areas of England and Wales, and...
This October report looks at following barriers to football development: England lags behind in the quantity and quality of affordable grassroots facilities; Coaching and coach development, in clubs and at grassroots, have not yet reached a satisfactory level and impact.
The document sets out our collective ambition to develop the best women's leagues and competitions in the world. This sets the direction that we will work towards. We will do this by prioritising three goals: producing world class talent, maximising and engaging audiences; and growing the commercial...
The Future Of Local Authority Sport And Leisure Services: Sport And/Or Health?
Wed, 26 Nov 2014
Martyn Allison
The sport and leisure sector has itself undergone radical change and downsizing but continues to aspire to be a key player in the life of communities and individuals. This paper gives Martyn Allison's personal perspective on what this future could look like.
This publication brings together the views of a highly respected group of people with expertise gained from years of experience in researching, organising, planning and delivering sport and physical activity.