A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
Displaying 1 to 40 of 289
Swim Group Review Of Curriculum Swimming And Water Safety Lessons
Mon, 11 Sep 2017
Developed by a range of experts from across the education, sport and leisure sectors, this report explores the challenges that primary schools face in delivering high quality swimming and water safety lessons. It also makes a series of recommendations on how to improve the situation.
Active Partnerships National Organisation Strategy 2023-2027.
Tue, 20 Jun 2023
The Active Partnerships National Organisation is the national charity of the Active Partnerships Network – a collective of 43 locally-led, nonprofit, strategic organisations who, as valued system partners of Sport England with reach across every place in England, play a pivotal role in 'Uniting...
Fan Led Review of Football Governance: interim findings and recommendations
Tue, 27 Jul 2021
Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport
This letter outlines the interim findings and recommendations of the Fan Led Review of Football Governance, led by Tracey Crouch MP.
An extensive but non-systematic review of scientific and "gray" literature was conducted to explore a wide range of literature to understand the co-benefits of activity-friendly environments on physical health, mental health, social benefits, safety/injury prevention, environmental sustainability, and...
The impact of COVID-19 on disabled people
Summary of secondary research Updated October 2020
Building on the successes from the last strategy, our new vision is more ambitious than the previous one and calls for fairness for disabled people in sport and activity.
There needs to be an increased commitment from organisations across various sectors to support disabled people and provide greater...
There are 16 million disabled people in the UK. Yet, disabled people face many barriers that can make it more challenging to access and take part in meaningful sport and physical activity. With disabled people twice as likely to be inactive as their non-disabled peers, our manifesto for change highlights...
Health Position Paper by AfPE
Physical education, school sport and physical activity are similar in that they all include physical movement, but there are important differences between them, as outlined in the following descriptions.
This report provides a glimpse into the lived experiences of over 300
ethnically diverse participants engaging in sports and physical activities
across the UK. The stories are broad-ranging and illustrate the everyday
realities of grassroots participants and supporters, the Sport Workforce,
elite performers...
Tackling Physical Inactivity - A Coordinated Approach
Thu, 10 Apr 2014
All Party Parliamentary Commission
This is the first of two reports from the All-Party Parliamentary Commission on Physical Activity, which was set up in 2013. It sets out the scale and scope of the problem, mapping out the specific areas in which need to be worked on for change.
A Report By The All-Party Parliamentary Group On A Fit And Healthy Childhood
Sat, 10 Sep 2016
All Party Parliamentary Commission
This report is a reflection of the work required to recognise the vital importance of physical education to health and to create the environment that will reverse the strong recent trend of reduced physical activity
A report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on a fit and healthy childhood.
Get Britain Cycling: Summary And Recommendations
Tue, 09 Apr 2013
All Party Parliamentary Cycling Group
Funded by NI Group Limited and the Bicycle Association, the aim of this parliamentary inquiry was "to enable more people across the UK to take up cycling, cycle more often and cycle more safely by interviewing or receiving written evidence from expert witnesses on the obstacles that must be overcome...
An inquiry into English football and its finances (an update on the 2004 report).
Ukactive Partners With Alliance Leisure To Release Active Families Report
Mon, 22 Nov 2021
Alliance Leisure
Alliance Leisure is proud to announce the launch of Active Families, an exploration of the vital role that family life plays in a child's exposure to physical activity and the positive contribution purpose built facilities can play on the journey. The report has been compiled in partnership with ukactive...
Sat, 10 Nov 2018
APPG - Fit & Healthy Childhood
Since 1975 worldwide obesity has tripled. World Health Organisation (WHO) figures show that in 2016 around 41 million children under the age of 5 and over 340 million children and adolescents aged 5-19 were with overweight or obesity: http://www.who.int/en/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/obesity-and-overweight...
The All Party Parliamentary Group on Wellbeing Economics seeks to highlight how wellbeing serves as a valuable and pragmatic framing for making policy decisions and for setting a vision for the UK.
Wellbeing draws attention to the diversity and interdependence of issues and interventions that affect...
This briefing provides details of the performance information available from APSE's performance networks service looking at performance indicators and current policy issues for councils who deliver sports and manage leisure facilities.
The Association for Public Service Excellence (APSE), Local Government Association (LGA) and Chief Cultural and Leisure Officers Association (CLOA) consulted with over 250 councils and a wide range of stakeholders to seek their views on what needs to change so that public sport and leisure services can...
Tired Of Hanging Around: Using Sport And Leisure Activities To Prevent Anti-Social Behaviour By Young Pople
Fri, 09 Jan 2009
Audit Commission
Sport and leisure have an important role in preventing anti-social behaviour. In this report the Audit Commission explore a wide range of cost-effective solutions to combat anti-social problems via the means of sport.
An independent review led by Baroness Grey-Thompson into welfare and well-being in sport. It sets out a list of themes and recommendations that aim to look after people at the very heart of our sector – the people who take part and volunteer.
The Power of Sport: Guidance on strengthening cohesion and integration through sport
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
The Power of Sport: Guidance on strengthening cohesion and integration through sport
Good Governance In Sport: A Survey Of UK National Governing Bodies Of Sport (April, 2010)
Sat, 10 Apr 2010
Birkbeck Sport Business Centre
This report analyses the standards of governance at UK NGBs and considers the extent to which some of the recommendations from the Modernisation Programme have been implemented.
The Role Of The Board In UK National Governing Bodies Of Sport
Fri, 09 Sep 2011
Birkbeck Sport Business Centre
This report examines governance in the voluntary sports sector, focusing on NGBs in the UK. The report seeks to understand a variety of board-specific issues including board structure, roles and responsibilities; board development; risk management and legal compliance; and board involvement in strategy....
This paper describes levels of physical activity (PA), sedentary time and adherence to Chief Medical Officers PA guidelines among primary school-aged children across the UK using objective accelerometer-based measurements.
Shaping the COVID decade: addressing the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19
Sun, 28 Mar 2021
British Academy
In September 2020, the British Academy was asked by the Government Office for Science to produce an independent review to address the question: What are the long-term societal impacts of COVID-19? This short but substantial question led us to a rapid integration of evidence and an extensive consultation...
The purpose of this document is to provide physical activity practitioners, commissioners and policy makers with the key facts to help them build an economic argument for the need to decrease levels of physical inactivity within the population.
This document provides an overview of the best available evidence on health and wellbeing outcomes that are directly affected by physical activity.
Physical Activity In The Early Years
Mon, 02 Nov 2015
British Heart Foundation, Loughborough University
The purpose of this evidence briefing is to provide an overview of the evidence relating to the early years (from birth to five years) and physical activity to help commissioners, policy makers and practitioners influence work in the field.
This report sets out the findings from the inaugural WheelPower sport and physical activity survey Talk About Taking Part.
Building A Participation Legacy From The London 2012 Olympic And Paralympic Games In Disadvantaged Areas
Sat, 09 Mar 2013
Brunel University
The Brunel research focused on learning what factors contributed to building the StreetGames participation legacy.
This report sets out the steps that have been taken towards making sure absolutely everyone can benefit from the power of sport.
This report sets out the steps that have been taken towards making sure absolutely everyone can benefit from the power of sport.
Inspiring Sport Participation: The Demonstration Effect
Sat, 16 Jul 2011
Canterbury Christ Church University
The Department of Health commissioned SPEAR to conduct a worldwide evidence review on sport participation legacies because it wanted to know if it would be worth investing government resources in initiatives designed to use the Olympic and Paralympic Games to increase sport participation to improve people's...
CIMSPA 2020 workforce insight report: Understanding the size and impact of the UK Sport and Physical Activity Workforce
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Details of the 600,000 people who work across the Sport and Physical Activity Sector
CIMSPA 2020 workforce insight report: Understanding the size and impact of the UK Sport and Physical Activity Workforce
This careers guide is an important part of our work. It is designed to help people realise their potential by showing clear routes into and through the sector. We hope you find the information contained practical and useful. There is so much happening within sport and physical activity. The best way...
This project is a further exploration into how to support places to work in a whole system way and sits alongside the work of the Local Delivery Pilots
The Committee's long inquiry has relied on detailed oral and written evidence, academic research, investigative journalism, and whistle-blowers.
This report highlights the failure of sports bodies in their governance and policing of anti-doping rules.
The sporting bodies the Committee has looked at have...
The research makes clear that sport by itself is insufficient to make beneficial change to development and peace, but that a well-co-ordinated multi-sectoral approach is necessary. The research tells us that both policy and programme planning, no matter how well intentioned or generous, must begin with...
Sport for Development and Peace and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
Wed, 30 Dec 2020
Commonwealth Secretariat
Sport for Development and Peace and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This agenda outlines a new plan for global development with the ambition to 'transform our world by 2030'.1 Central...