
Welcome to our work to promote the work taking place in the academic community. These pages encapsulate what we are about - creating good evidence based sport and physical activity policy and sharing it.

These pages will showcase the work of various sport academics in a format that is accessible to sport policy makers. With events and roundtables we will bring people together around topical themes - exploring the evidence and latest insight. We are in a unique position with experience in sport and physical activity policy over the last 20+ years. Working much closer together in future we can improve the impact of academics and improve the evidence and knowledge base for policy makers.

Academic Articles

We are happy to showcase the work of the academic community to sports policy makers. We want to create space for highlighting work in an accessible format for a wider range of stakeholders across the sport and physical activity landscape.

If you are interested in joining us contact the team. We have a Directory of those sharing their work with us. Once again if you would like to have your profile here please contact us.