A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.

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The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games ran at an overall public cost of £8.8 billion. The government committed to a lasting legacy, including an increase in grassroots sports participation. Successive governments have since adopted strategies to further their objectives for grassroots sport...

This consultation paper sets out the Government's proposals to legislate to put it beyond doubt that local authorities, including parish councils, cannot charge parkrun or junior parkrun for the use of public parks.

This consultation paper sets out the Government's proposals to legislate to put it beyond doubt that local authorities, including parish councils, cannot charge parkrun or junior parkrun for the use of public parks.

Sport For Social Good

Fri, 23 Mar 2018

The Centre For Social Justice

This paper argues that the Government must develop a comprehensive national strategy to make sport a vehicle for social good and use it to help improve people's lives and communities.