A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
Displaying 1 to 13 of 13
Sported sought to find a sector-wide method of demonstrating the relationship between sport and social benefits. At the outset the organisation wanted to understand the impact of the Sport for Development sector and the cost saving being made to society. The outcome is a sophisticated IT system which...
Legacy 2012: Understanding The Impact Of The Olympic Games
Sat, 25 Aug 2012
The Economist Intelligence Unit
This report examines the business and economic impact of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
This report by EY assesses and predicts the wider economic implications to hosting the Rugby World Cup in England and Cardiff this year.
A Review Of The Social Impacts Of Culture And Sport
Tue, 10 Mar 2015
DCMS, Sport England, English Heritage, Arts Council England
The Culture and Sport Evidence (CASE) programme is a joint programme of strategic research led by the DCMS in collaboration with the Arts Council England ACE, English Heritage and Sport England.
The primary focus of this document is to showcase a commitment to the legacy of the 2012 Olympics, whilst illustrating some of the key economic benefits of sports policy to England through sports devolved policy through primary delivery organisations, including local authorities, Sport England and UK...
Investing In Cycling And Walking: The Economic Case for Action
Sat, 14 Mar 2015
Department for Transport
This paper aims to summarise recent changes in the evidence base as well as the key legacy studies that should help not only to quantify the impacts resulting from investment in cycling and walking, but also to make the case for investing in cycling and walking above other demands on budgets.
This summary report by EY presents the estimated economic contribution of the Premier League in the 2013/14 season.
The Sports Business Group at Deloitte provides an in-depth analysis of football's finances.
Triennial reviews are part of the government's public bodies reform programme providing a robust challenge to the continuing need for non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and reviewing their functions, performance, control and governance arrangements. This is the first triennial review of UK Sport...
This document outlines, for the first time, the Department for Transport's timetable and approach to developing the various elements required to deliver the first CWIS.
Social Return On Investment In Sport: A Participation Wide Model For England
Thu, 21 Apr 2016
Sheffield Hallam University
This research paper attempts to value the social impacts of participation in sport in England, using the SROI framework.
Empowering Communities: An Assessment Of Capital Investment Into Community Wellness Hubs
Thu, 19 Oct 2017
This report discusses ukactive and Sport England's proposal to expand the availability of Community Wellness Hubs as part of their shared mission for an active nation.
This paper argues that the Government must develop a comprehensive national strategy to make sport a vehicle for social good and use it to help improve people's lives and communities.