UK Sport: Innovation and social impact are essential for UK to remain a premier hosting nation for international events.
Posted: Mon, 14 Aug 2023 17:00
With it becoming increasingly difficult to find a host city for international sporting events, our latest blog discusses what are the essential qualities needed for the UK to remain a premier hosting nation for international events.
In an article from Inside the Games UK Sport say:
"Victoria's decision to pull out of hosting the 2026 Commonwealth Games has inevitably led to questions about the viability and validity of staging major sporting events.
We have every sympathy for the officials who are working to identify a new hosting option, and we hope the Games will go ahead as scheduled in 2026.
However, it's important to emphasise in this context that the UK remains very much open for business. We believe the popularity of major events remains very high among sports fans and the general public, as well as with host cities and the Government. Together, we consistently offer major event organisers high attendances and passionate crowds.
This will be illustrated at the Cycling World Championships, which is under way in Glasgow. For the first time, 13 cycling disciplines will be staged at the same event, and the numbers taking part are impressive.
With more than 6,800 athletes from 125 nations taking part at the event that, at £65 million ($82.8 million/€75 million), will cost a great deal less than the hosting of last year's Commonwealth Games in Birmingham.
Therefore, this leaves the UK at an even better advantage of hosting future international sporting events."
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