A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
About This Report:
The National Alliance of Sport for the Desistance of Crime was launched in October 2015. Its purpose is to advocate for its members and provide support and guidance to the wide range of stakeholders using the power of sport for the prevention and the desistance from crime. As Chair, it has been a privilege to work alongside many great partners and supporters who've been equally as passionate about the power of sport and empowering some of the most complex and challenging individuals in our society. As the name suggests; The Alliance aims to unite Sport for Development and the criminal justice system. All members work together to develop solutions, identify best practice and evidence the impact of sport on the desistance from crime, promoting the argument for further investment. This Theory of Change will provide the much needed guidance required. We are also launching alongside it a programme of further training and support for members to ensure it is understood and utilised effectively. I would like to thank James Noble at New Philanthropy Capital for leading on the project; Justin Coleman for pulling it all together and the Steering Group for your patience and support.