A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
Displaying 1 to 35 of 35
Building on the successes from the last strategy, our new vision is more ambitious than the previous one and calls for fairness for disabled people in sport and activity.
There needs to be an increased commitment from organisations across various sectors to support disabled people and provide greater...
Tired Of Hanging Around: Using Sport And Leisure Activities To Prevent Anti-Social Behaviour By Young Pople
Fri, 09 Jan 2009
Audit Commission
Sport and leisure have an important role in preventing anti-social behaviour. In this report the Audit Commission explore a wide range of cost-effective solutions to combat anti-social problems via the means of sport.
Sport has the power to transform lives. Of course, it keeps us fit. But so much more. For the young people of this nation, sport unlocks life-long friends, introduces mentors, provides purpose, builds confidence – and keeps us out of trouble.1 It boosts academic prospects, combats mental ill health,...
Coinciding with Women in Sport's (formerly WSFF) first conference with various members of the sport's sector, this report marks one year since the boards inception and reviews the progress.
The primary focus of this document is to showcase a commitment to the legacy of the 2012 Olympics, whilst illustrating some of the key economic benefits of sports policy to England through sports devolved policy through primary delivery organisations, including local authorities, Sport England and UK...
Triennial reviews are part of the government's public bodies reform programme providing a robust challenge to the continuing need for non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) and reviewing their functions, performance, control and governance arrangements. This is the first triennial review of UK Sport...
This document sets out the Government's plans for the legacy from the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Research was commissioned to conduct two surveys of primary school headteachers and senior managers, to examine how the PE and sports premium is being used in schools in England and the perceived impacts of the fund on PE and sports provision.
Investing In Cycling And Walking: The Economic Case for Action
Sat, 14 Mar 2015
Department for Transport
This paper aims to summarise recent changes in the evidence base as well as the key legacy studies that should help not only to quantify the impacts resulting from investment in cycling and walking, but also to make the case for investing in cycling and walking above other demands on budgets.
This document outlines, for the first time, the Department for Transport's timetable and approach to developing the various elements required to deliver the first CWIS.
This article provides insights on the impacts of austerity policy through an examination of the experiences of two different countries and sport organisations.
This report provides a robust economic valuation of parks and green spaces in the UK as well as valuing improvements in health and wellbeing associated with their frequent use.
This action plan is a statement of intent, setting out a joint commitment from the Department for Education (DfE), Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS), and Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), to ongoing collaboration at national level to ensure that sport and physical activity...
Delivery Networks And Community Sport In England
Mon, 24 Mar 2014
International Journal of Public Sector Management
The paper aims to utilise Adam and Kriesi's Network Approach to policy analysis to examine the range of exogenous factors that affect interactions in the community sport policy process from a local authority perspective.
The Laureus Sport For Good Foundation assesses the economic value of three sports projects aimed at tackling gang violence and youth crime in the UK. Each project is using sport to reach out to and engage young people at different stages along the criminal pathway.
A group of leading organisations across sport, recreation and physical activity has today come together for the first time to call for radical reform to support the growth and development of the sector.
A landmark report, 'Unlocking the potential', proposes a clear strategic vision for how to fully harness...
- A growing proportion of clubs are in severe financial difficulty, operating with low reserves following COVID-19 – this is currently the case for a quarter of clubs and is expected to rise to a third in the coming year
The Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) at Sheffield Hallam University produced a 'Satellite Account' for golf in order to derive an authoritative assessment of the sport's economic value to the UK economy for the year 2014.
Released shortly after the Conservative Government was installed, this report intends to set the scene across a number of areas where the Sport and Recreation Alliance feel there will be challenges for their members and the sector more widely in the coming years.
Sport 2030 provides a roadmap for future success for sport in this country.
Sport Australia will lead its implementation, to create an even better and more successful national sports sector. If we get it right we know that in 2030 sport will continue to be a key point of national pride, our Olympic and...
Sport 2030 provides a roadmap for future success for sport in this country.
Sport Australia will lead its implementation, to create an even better and more successful national sports sector. If we get it right we know that in 2030 sport will continue to be a key point of national pride, our Olympic and...
The Sports Business Group at Deloitte provides an in-depth analysis of football's finances.
Sport England has commissioned a series of robust quantitative models aimed at better understanding the factors which account for variations in sports participation, and thereby identify the levers most amenable to public policy intervention.
Uniting the Movement is our 10-year vision to transform lives and communities through sport and physical activity.
As we adapt and rebuild from the huge disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic, we need to collectively reimagine how we keep movement, sport and activity central to the lives of everyone....
Impact of Covid-19 on the Sport for Development Sector
Fri, 17 Jul 2020
Sport for Development Coalition
The Sport for Development Coalition (SFDC) has warned that the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector is having "a profound effect" on some of the "most vulnerable members of our society".
The SFDC, a growing Movement of more than 100 charities, networks and governing bodies who believe in the...
This Elite Sport Strategy provides the blueprint for a sustained level of achievement at the highest level of sport.
Sported sought to find a sector-wide method of demonstrating the relationship between sport and social benefits. At the outset the organisation wanted to understand the impact of the Sport for Development sector and the cost saving being made to society. The outcome is a sophisticated IT system which...
This October report looks at following barriers to football development: England lags behind in the quantity and quality of affordable grassroots facilities; Coaching and coach development, in clubs and at grassroots, have not yet reached a satisfactory level and impact.
This document sets out the details of the programme, funding process and the journey to deliver a new sustainable model for grassroots football hubs nationwide.
The document sets out our collective ambition to develop the best women's leagues and competitions in the world. This sets the direction that we will work towards. We will do this by prioritising three goals: producing world class talent, maximising and engaging audiences; and growing the commercial...
100 ideas for the 2024 election from 29 sport, physical activity and Wellbeing organisations.
Independent Review Into The Climate And Culture Of The World Class Programme In British Cycling
Sat, 09 Sep 2017
UK Sport
The findings and recommendations of the Independent Review into the Climate and Culture of the World Class Programme (WCP) at British Cycling.
UK Sport commissioned the independent research consultancy ComRes to conduct a consultation among its stakeholders at all levels, focusing on the organisation's strategic direction beyond the Rio 2016 investment cycle.