A research library of key reports on the sports and physical activity sector from a variety of sources.
Displaying 241 to 280 of 289
This public report provides a full strategic overview of DCMS for the year ending in April 2014. Within the publication, the report highlights the progress the department has made, the first year into achieving a legacy from the London Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2012.
This report provides an assessment of the value of sport sector activities in the West of England in 2012, as well as the total value that accrues to the whole UK economy. It also projects the expected future value of the sports sector in the next ten years.
New research from academics in the UK suggests that the old adage of 'first impressions count' is very much alive and kicking in sport. This article provides a summary of this research and concludes with a few ideas for how coaches can apply the research.
This document provides an overview of the best available evidence on health and wellbeing outcomes that are directly affected by physical activity.
The business case for good governance in sport and the case for Scottish Football Association on how to enable modernisation of governance standards.
Building A Participation Legacy From The London 2012 Olympic And Paralympic Games In Disadvantaged Areas
Sat, 09 Mar 2013
Brunel University
The Brunel research focused on learning what factors contributed to building the StreetGames participation legacy.
The purpose of this document is to provide physical activity practitioners, commissioners and policy makers with the key facts to help them build an economic argument for the need to decrease levels of physical inactivity within the population.
Being Active: An Every Day Guide For People Living With An Impairment Or Health Condition
Wed, 13 Feb 2013
An every day guide for people living with an impairment or health condition.
This report seeks to substantiate the claim that 'sport is good for you'. The Game of Life brings together, for the first time, all of the best evidence to support those gut feelings we have about sport. This research outlines the evidence that exists that shows how more activity can have huge effects...
Just a few generations ago, physical activity was an integral part of daily life. In the name of progress, we've now chipped away at it so thoroughly that physical inactivity actually seems normal. The economic costs are unacceptable, the human costs are unforgiveable. Designed to Move is a framework...
Implementing Community Sport Policy: Understanding The Variety Of Voluntary Club Types And Their Attitudes To Policy
Wed, 31 Oct 2012
International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics
This article will evaluate the role of sports clubs in delivering national community sport policy, particularly in relation to increasing participation in sport and reducing the proportion of young people dropping out of sport.
Street Games' press release refers to the details of its report produced in 2012, 'The Inactive Time Bomb'. This short document illustrates the scale of the physical inactivity problem with a number of statistics taken from the main report. It also includes a number of testimonials from key figures in...
Game Of Life: How Sport And Recreation Can Help Make Us Healthier, Happier And Richer
Sat, 15 Sep 2012
Sport and Recreation Alliance
This report seeks to substantiate the claim that 'sport is good for you'. The Game of Life brings together, for the first time, all of the best evidence to support those gut feelings we have about sport. But it is also even-handed, pointing out where the evidence is patchy or where more research is required....
This report is based on evidence from inspections of physical education between September 2008 and July 2012.Ofsted visited 120 primary schools, 110 secondary schools and seven special schools. It recommends actions for schools and the Department for Education to secure further improvement in the quality...
Legacy 2012: Understanding The Impact Of The Olympic Games
Sat, 25 Aug 2012
The Economist Intelligence Unit
This report examines the business and economic impact of the London 2012 Olympic Games.
This report begins to assess: (a) The impact of the 'cuts' for Sport and Recreation Services (SRS), (b) Responses to the 'cuts' and (c) The options for SRS moving forward.
The Health Survey for England (HSE) is part of a programme of surveys commissioned by the Health and Social Care Information Centre. Children aged 13-15 were interviewed themselves, and parents of children aged 0-12 were asked about their children, with the interview including questions on general health...
A guide to help those working in sport meet their legal obligations and become better equipped to address equality and human rights issues.
This vision spurs Sport Wales' motivation and commitment to delivering the very best for Welsh sport.
This strategy has been developed to set out clear priorities and focus energy to enable a dramatic shift in the range and number of people involved in sport. It also provides further guidance to those responsible for planning and running sport in Wales.
Sported sought to find a sector-wide method of demonstrating the relationship between sport and social benefits. At the outset the organisation wanted to understand the impact of the Sport for Development sector and the cost saving being made to society. The outcome is a sophisticated IT system which...
This report's primary purpose is to illustrate how the low-cost gym sector is emerging internationally. The report draws on some of the strategic analysis from my 2010 UK Low-Cost Gym Sector Report because it remains vital that readers comprehend what is driving this trend.
The Role Of The Board In UK National Governing Bodies Of Sport
Fri, 09 Sep 2011
Birkbeck Sport Business Centre
This report examines governance in the voluntary sports sector, focusing on NGBs in the UK. The report seeks to understand a variety of board-specific issues including board structure, roles and responsibilities; board development; risk management and legal compliance; and board involvement in strategy....
This briefing provides details of the performance information available from APSE's performance networks service looking at performance indicators and current policy issues for councils who deliver sports and manage leisure facilities.
Inspiring Sport Participation: The Demonstration Effect
Sat, 16 Jul 2011
Canterbury Christ Church University
The Department of Health commissioned SPEAR to conduct a worldwide evidence review on sport participation legacies because it wanted to know if it would be worth investing government resources in initiatives designed to use the Olympic and Paralympic Games to increase sport participation to improve people's...
This report examines the holding of the Special Olympics Great Britain (SOGB) National Summer Games for people with learning disabilities in Leicester in July 2009.
More Than A Game: Harnessing The Power Of Sport To Transform The Lives Of Disadvantaged Young People
Mon, 09 May 2011
Sport Working Group
This report set out to establish how sport can produce the best results for young people living in Britain's most deprived areas. Produced prior to London 2012, the research highlights the distinction between sport for its own sake and sport as a vehicle for improving the lives of disadvantaged or vulnerable...
This research explores the extent to which major sporting events have the potential to inspire people – whether spectators or TV viewers ‐ to participate in sport or recreational activity more frequently than they do normally.
This report presents new research that offers us the opportunity to begin to understand the causes of low levels of physical activity among girls. It explores the views of girls and boys about physical activity, sport and PE, and the influence of schools, friends and families.
This document sets out the Government's plans for the legacy from the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Sport England: Understanding Variations In Participation Between Sports
Thu, 26 Aug 2010
Sport England
Sport England has commissioned a series of robust quantitative models aimed at better understanding the factors which account for variations in sports participation, and thereby identify the levers most amenable to public policy intervention.
Analysis of intelligence gathering undertaken with 25 local authorities with NI8 in their local area agreement.
Sport England has commissioned a series of robust quantitative models aimed at better understanding the factors which account for variations in sports participation, and thereby identify the levers most amenable to public policy intervention.
Good Governance In Sport: A Survey Of UK National Governing Bodies Of Sport (April, 2010)
Sat, 10 Apr 2010
Birkbeck Sport Business Centre
This report analyses the standards of governance at UK NGBs and considers the extent to which some of the recommendations from the Modernisation Programme have been implemented.
Review Of Physical Activity Promotion Policy Development And Legislation In European Union Member States
Sat, 27 Mar 2010
World Health Organisation
This review provides an overview of the identifed published national policy documents on promoting physical activity in the 27 EU Member States.
A strategic review of health inequalities in England post-2010.
The purpose of this strategy is to state Sport Wales' aspirations and set the direction for coaching in Wales for 2010-2016. This strategy also provides a framework for the delivery of actions relating to coaching in both the One Wales agreement and Creating an Active Wales
This child poverty strategy outlines Sport Wales' commitment to making a difference to children, young people and their families who live in poverty.
An inquiry into English football and its finances (an update on the 2004 report).